Lunes, Hulyo 25, 2011

What really life is all about?

           Living our  own lives everyday is a matter of mere survival for us. But did you ever know or did you ever ask yourself "why am i here? , What does my life really means to me?" do you have any answer for this question?. As far as i am concern  every one of us have our own perspective and beliefs  in our life and everything that matters to us is sometimes what we consider the reason  why we live like our family , friends, and special someone and they are just some of the reason why we get hurt  when we lost some of them but always  consider the fact that "Nothing is permanent here on earth"  we have  given tomorrow to  move on  from our past that hurt us.
      Another thing to some people the reason why they live is because of their dreams, goals , for the things they want to achieve in their life. That they tend to do everything that they can even it takes to hurt other people. Let's always consider the fact that we need other for us to survive as the saying goes " No man is an island" so its only a prove that we really other people to add up spices and enjoy our lives.But let's always consider that everything got their limitations lets take into consideration the essence of our spiritual responsibility.We ain't perfect  but we can be perfect in our own ways.

Lunes, Hulyo 18, 2011

Be a Better You

  Sometimes we tend to be so shy about our self  we don't know  how to face other people because we feel so intimated and we don't have enough confidence to show and tell them this  "this is who we are". It's really sad to  feel that way I myself did experience such situation. We always tend to hide and stay in our shelf rather than showing ourselves to everyone that's the reason why sometimes we miss a lot of things we let  our chances pass by.     
    Its time for us to move out from our shelf let go of your fears and enjoy life while  you still  have it. Life is to short to let our chances pass.Here are some tips How to become a better you:
       A) Develop your self confidence
                      Know your strength and weaknesses.Learn to  develop your strength and overcome your weaknesses. Be real to everyone around you in that way they will know the real you and always keep in mind no body is perfect so you are , don't be ashamed of your yourself  for who you are. Read some  books that could help you develop your self.
        B) Don't rely on other people  but instead rely on yourself.
                       If you want to achieve something  don't rely to other people  for it's attainment. Always prepare yourself to expected events and whenever something  happen that's beyond your control don't panic because you can't able to think properly but instead take it easy take a deep breath and think of what you should do.  Learn to handle things on your own in short be independent in doing something that you want.
         C) Create your own identity.
                      Don't cover up yourself and don't hide in your shelf. Show the world who you really are. there's nothing wrong about you so theirs no reason to ashamed.
          D) Develop your oral communication
                       It doesn't mean that you should talk and talk a lot than usual but  it's the other way around it means that you should learn how to communicate in the sense that  both parties understand each other. You don't feel so shy when you talk.
           E) Be healthy
                      Always  maintain a healthy lifestyle although i myself admit it's hard to have a healthy lifestyle but if you want it you can have it. Eat healthy  you should learn to Control yourself when regard to food intake you can eat the foods that you like but always set limitations . Have a exercise routine for you to be physically active. Being healthy is a crucial need for developing ourselves because sometimes  it contribute a lot  in developing confidence.

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